Wednesday, November 3, 2010

RLSH registry

I was recently asked if I would like to be added to the RLSH registry featured on and I said yes, I was asked to fill out a questionare and submit several pictures. I looked on there today and saw I was not only added, but added to the REGISTERED section of the registry. There are four sections, under review, which is where up and coming RLSH are put up there but haven't quite made a name for themselves or otherwise been recognized for their contributions, a retired section where RLSH of old are put up that were once active and well established, but are no longer a part of the community. then theres the unregistered section, which is where RLSH who are recognized, but due to their reputations or past actions have deemed them vigilantes due to questionable actions, or less desirable behavior, but still contribute a lot to the community. and finally there is the registered section, where some of the most influential and experienced RLSH are placed. I was really quite surprised to see myself on THIS section above the others and I am very flattered and honored to be among some of those that I admire the most (and I've also worked with a number of them as well). My most sincerest gratitude for being placed on there.

1 comment:

  1. Urban Avenger,

    There is no one specific group set above nor below others in this community. What the unregistered section means are those who do not conform to the standards set by the agenda of those individuals who created the website. The registered section is for those who do. While I don't agree 100% with the website's agenda, nor them using those specific different classifications, nor do I see it as an entirely accurate portrayal, I also couldn't think of another way for them to more accurately list the different categories.

    One thing to remember is that someone being added to a registry of heroes because they created a persona does not automatically mean they're a hero, so I would advise everyone against that line of thinking, because I'm strongly against this community "as a whole" being organized. The organizing can only come "within" it, if that makes sense. But anyway, being listed there in either category can help you for networking purposes.

    I'm not posting this to rain on your parade, I'm posting this as a reminder. So with that being said, good job on the work you've done that was the reason for your being added to that specific registry.

